We were stoked to have Greg Jonuk, a trained facilitator, help us launch or #krssgarden project this week. Greg and I had been planning the morning for weeks in order to best give voice to our community and to mine their ideas, questions, and comments as best we could.
Here's the run down of the morning (for more detail see the agenda):
- "Teacher Talk Show" - Greg interviewed Beth and myself to give some context to the project
- "Press Conference" time for participants to share aspects of the project that excited them, aspects that scared them, ideas for what success would look like and questions about the project
- "Open Space" time for participants to:
- Respond to the prompt: "In order to have a successful garden at KRSS we need to think about..." and stick their ideas to a wall
- Shop for topics on the wall and decide which they individually wanted to discuss
- Discuss topics in small groups (this proceeded in three rounds after students had chosen which topic they'd discuss in each round)